The nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) (/ˈnilˌɡaɪ/, literally meaning "blue cow") is the largest antelope of Asia, and is ubiquitous across the northern Indian subcontinent. It is the sole member of the genus Boselaphus.
It is a sturdy thin-legged antelope, characterised by a sloping back, a deep neck with a white patch on the throat, a short crest of hair along the neck terminating in a tuft, and white facial spots. A column of pendant coarse hair hangs from the dewlap ridge below the white patch. Females and juveniles are orange to tawny while adult males have a bluish-grey coat and possess horns. Read on.
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Orange-headed Thrush
The orange-headed thrush is a resident bird in the thrush family. It is common in well-wooded areas of the Indian Subcontinent & Southeast Asia. The species shows a preference for shady damp areas, and like many Geokichla and Zoothera thrushes, can be quite secretive.
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White-naped Woodpecker/ Black-shouldered Woodpecker
An uncommon, four-toed, large-billed, golden-backed woodpecker endemic to the Indian Subcontinent. It inhabits open wooded habitat all over its range, but is often difficult to find. Separated from the group of “small-billed” flamebacks by its much larger bill, a conspicuous white nape with a contrasting black border, and a divided black horizontal stripe below the cheek. Separated from the similarly large-billed Greater Flameback by its black rump, clean white nape, and preference for drier habitat.
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Jungle Nightjar
The jungle nightjar is a gray-brown nightjar of wooded, open grassy, and scrubby areas found in the Indian Subcontinent. Intricately patterned, with a golden patch behind the ear (often not visible on a resting bird) and pale tan spots on the wings it is found mainly on the edge of forests where it is seen or heard at dusk.
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Blue-faced Malkoha
The blue-faced malkoha/ small green-billed malkoha, is a non-parasitic cuckoo found in the scrub & deciduous forests of peninsular India and Sri Lanka. It has a waxy, dark, blue-grey plumage on its upper parts and has a long tail with graduated white-tipped feathers.
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Black-rumped Flameback/ Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker
The Black-rumped Flameback, also known as the Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker or Lesser Goldenback, is a woodpecker found widely distributed in the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the few woodpeckers that are seen in urban areas. It has a characteristic rattling-whinnying call and an undulating flight
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Red-legged Crake
It is a small, brightly-coloured crake of wet patches in dense forests. It is brown with an orange head & zebra-striped sides with a bright red patch of bare skin around the eye which gives it a somewhat startled appearance. Candy-red legs distinguish it from the Slaty-legged Crake, and dainty, smaller-billed appearance distinguish it from Ruddy-breasted and Band-bellied Crakes. Generally shy and unobtrusive, it moves quietly through wet vegetation and tends to be difficult to see.
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Malayan Water Monitor
Malayan/ Asian Water Monitors are among the largest lizards in the world with a wide distribution. Varanus salvator (subspecies macromaculatus) are a common sight across parts of South and South-east Asia. Their coloration ranges from brown to black with orange, yellow or white spots or ocelli. Their heads are ventrally flattened with an elongated snout. Their tails are long and powerful and are used for swimming, fighting or hunting.
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