Siddhartha Mukherjee | Wildlife Cinematographer, Photographer & Documentarian |
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About Me

From the earliest I can recall I’ve always had an affinity to nature, an emotional connect with quiet mornings, the chirping of birds, the candid behaviour of animals when they don’t realise a human is watching, the clouds rolling over the hills, gushing streams - I can ramble on. My photos are an effort to portray ‘that feeling’, you know, when you watch twilight in the jungle, the sense of isolation when you have a beach to yourself, the sound of a swift river over some rocks, the roar of a waterfall - they are all about telling ‘that’ story.

I first felt the urge and the need for a camera, a real “I wish I had one” moment, back in 2003 when I was studying at Cambridge and one weekend, with my good friends Jeremy and Ciprian, I visited some stables near Cambridge. Driving through the beautiful landscape of East Anglia with its rolling green fields and isolated woodlands literally made me go Ahh! This was the precise moment when I made up my mind to buy myself a camera and capture the beauty of the places I went to, its animals, birds, people and architecture. Once I had one in my hands it opened up my world, it gave me something to look forward to, to explore, to discover, to photograph and to tell the story I saw, felt and heard.

I also collaborate & work with various NGO’s like The Rainwater Project & HYTICOS (Hyderabad Tiger Conservation Society) on various projects directed towards restoration and conservation. 

Siddhartha Mukherjee | Wildlife Cinematographer, Photographer & Documentarian |
Explore | Discover | Photograph

Spending time out in nature and taking pictures of the wildlife, landscapes, people and times rejuvenates me and keeps me sane. This website with its galleries & blogs is an effort to curate and document some of my photos, videos and to tell the stories behind some of them.

I also speak at events like the TEDx Hyderabad event & my talks usually revolve around photography, my journey as a photographer and anecdotes from the field which have taught me valuable life lessons.