Hill-blue Flycatcher
A medium-sized and confusing flycatcher. The male is beautifully coloured, with deep blue upper parts, an orange throat & breast, and a white belly. The female is duller and very similar to and closely-related to the Large Blue Flycatcher. It breeds in hilly & montane broadleaf thickets, often in areas with dense undergrowth and migrates to lower altitudes in winter. Their calls are a loud “chak” or “tak,” reminiscent of stones tapping.
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The winter migrants of Yenkathala
Once again I venture into the Yenkathala/ Enkathala grasslands, home to as many as 191 bird & numerous wildlife species like the Indian Grey Mongoose. In winter these spectacular grasslands host some beautiful migrants - the Montagu’s & Pallid Harriers - which fly from Russia and Eastern Asian countries traveling over 5,000 kilometers to winter here in the dry sub-humid type of grasslands.
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Yellow-billed Blue Magpie
I return again to the Singalila Ridge, in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, at an altitude of more than 7000 feet above mean sea level, in search of a colourful long-tailed corvid - the Yellow-billed Blue Magpie. Similar in coloration to the Red-billed, the Yellow-billed is a paler blue overall, with a small white patch at the back of the crown instead of an extensive white stripe, and a bright yellow bill instead of a scarlet one. Primarily found in Himalayan hill forest, with disjunct populations in northwestern Myanmar and northern Vietnam.
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Ultramarine Flycatcher
The ultramarine or white-browed blue flycatcher is a small arboreal Old World flycatcher in the ficedula family that breeds in the foothills of the Himalayas & winters in southern India. The incandescently beautiful male is resplendent in electric blue and snowy white. The female is a dull gray-brown with paler underparts. It breeds in hill and montane broadleaf & pine forests descending into the lower foothills in winter.
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Tickell’s Leaf Warbler
It was a pleasant morning with a nice breeze & beautiful diffused light. We were photographing the Ultramarine Flycatcher when I noticed a small warbler foraging in a mimosa tree in the background. I took a few photos and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a Tickell’s/Alpine Leaf Warbler, a very rare bird in Thailand! These are some of the photos of the rare Tickell’s Leaf Warbler I took that morning on the slopes of Doi AngKhang.
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Indian Grey Mongoose
Noted for their audacious attacks on highly venomous snakes such as king cobras, the mongoose are any of nearly three dozen species of small bold predatory carnivores found mainly in Africa but also in southern Asia and southern Europe. The 33 species belong to 14 genera with the most common and probably best-known being the 10 species of the genus Herpestes, among which are the Egyptian mongoose, or ichneumon (H. ichneumon), of Africa and southern Europe and the Indian grey mongoose (H. edwardsii), made famous as Rikki-tikki-tavi in Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book.
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Pied Bush Chat
The Pied Bush Chat is a small passerine bird found ranging from West Asia and Central Asia to the Indian subcontinent & Southeast Asia. About sixteen subspecies are recognised through its wide range with many island forms. It is a sedentary “chat” associated with open habitats in tropical and subtropical Asia. The males are black with a white vent and a white wing patch while the females are dark brown with a reddish-brown rump and underparts. Females can resemble the migratory Siberian Stonechat, but can be separated by the absence of an eyebrow and of any white on the collar or wing.
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Demoiselle Crane
The demoiselle crane (Grus virgo) is a species of crane found in central Eurasia, ranging from the Black Sea to Mongolia and North Eastern China. There is also a small breeding population in Turkey. These cranes are migratory and fly from western Eurasia to spend the winter in Africa whilst the birds from Asia, Mongolia and China will spend the winter in the Indian subcontinent. The bird is symbolically significant in the culture of Pakistan, where it is known as Koonj.
It is the smallest species of crane. The demoiselle crane is slightly smaller than the common crane but has similar plumage. It has a long white neck stripe and the black on the foreneck extends down over the chest in a plume.
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