White-capped Redstart/ White-capped Water Redstart
The White-capped Redstart or White-capped Water Redstart (Phoenicurus leucocephalus) is a passerine bird of the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae native to the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, much of China, and to certain regions of Central Asia.
The White-capped is a chunky, brightly-colored redstart found along rushing boulder-strewn mountain streams. It is black with a wine-red belly and tail and a blazing white cap. in poor lighting, the bird appears to be all dark save for the cap. It can frequently be seen flicking its tail up and down and flaring it open while perched on a streamside rock or stump. The call is a long, sharp whistle with an abrupt ending, with a far-carrying, ventriloquial quality - it can be heard in the background in the video.
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Ashy Prinia
The Ashy Prinia or Ashy Wren-warbler is a small and common warbler in the family Cisticolidae. A resident breeder in the Indian subcontinent, it ranges across most of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, eastern Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and western Myanmar occurring in all habitats except for woodlands with a thick canopy.
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Hill Prinia
A large, fierce-eyed prinia with a long, oft-cocked tail. Breeding adults have a gray head, white throat and brow, brown upperparts, and pale, brown-washed underparts. Nonbreeding adults lack the gray but retain the white brow and throat. May be confused at a distance with Yellow-bellied Prinia, but is much larger, and has a more extensive brow and no bright yellow anywhere on the body. Usually found in open, scrubby habitats, including overgrown fields and forest edges.
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Common Snipe
A squat, cryptically-plumaged shorebird with a very long bill. It inhabits a wide range of wetland habitats, from damp meadows to salt marshes. Mostly inconspicuous, it feeds in muddy ground by probing with its bill, usually near reeds or other grassy cover. Often not seen until flushed, when it usually rises from fairly close range with a rough rasping call. In Asia, beware of the extremely similar Pin-tailed, Swinhoe's, and Latham's Snipes, all of which lack the white trailing edge of Common and have a slower, less erratic flight.
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Red Junglefowl
This “original chicken” is smaller than its domestic descendants, and is widespread throughout South & Southeast Asia and can also be found as an introduced species in many regions around the world (especially prevalent on many Pacific Islands, including Hawaii). In its introduced range and some areas of its native range it has interbred widely with feral and domestic chickens, producing intermediate hybrids. Many of these birds cannot be distinguished from genuine wild-type birds. Within native range calls are useful for ID: the wild male’s crowing is hoarse and choked off towards the end, unlike the loud, vibrant calls of the domestic rooster.
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Indian Nightjar
The Indian nightjar (Caprimulgus asiaticus) is a cryptically -coloured small nightbird which is a resident breeder in open lands across South Asia and Southeast Asia. Note the white “moustache” streak, golden-brown collar, and pointed buff-and-black feathers above the wing. The male shows bright white patches near the wingtips and on the tail-tips in flight. They are found in a range of wooded habitats, from hilly dry forest to garden edges.
Like most nightjars it is crepuscular and is best detected from its characteristic calls at dawn and dusk that have been likened to a stone skipping on a frozen lake - a series of clicks that become shorter and more rapid. There is considerable plumage variation across its range and can be hard to differentiate from other nightjars in the region especially in the field.
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Hanuman Langur/ Gray Langur
The Hanuman/ Northern Plains Gray Langur (Semnopithecus entellus), also known as the sacred langur, Bengal sacred langur, a species of primate in the family Cercopithecidae. Found across a large part of India south of the Himalayas down to the Tapti & Krishna Rivers.
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Eurasian Hoopoe
An unmistakable cinnamon coloured bird with a zebra-striped wings, a Chinese fan of a crest (usually held closed, but often raised just after landing), and a rapier of a bill. The hoopoe favours semi-open habitats such as heathland, farmland, orchards, grassy lawns, where it feeds on the ground, probing with its long bill for insects.
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