Silver-eared Laughingthrush
The Silver-eared is an attractive medium-sized laughingthrush with a gray body, golden-yellow wings, dark face, and chestnut crown. Note the dark orangish “bib”, the color of which varies by range; northern birds have the brightest patches. The namesake silver ear patches are rather rounded & blend smoothly into the gray of the neck. Usually seen scratching around noisily in dense undergrowth, often singly, or in pairs or small flocks. They are found in montane and hill forests, as well as forest edges with dense low growth.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #silverearedlaughingthrush, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #Leiothrichidae, #thailand, #DoiLuang, #DoiPhaHomPokNationalPark, #laughingthrush,
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
The Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse or Common Sandgrouse is a large, plump, and dovelike bird with a pointed tail, sedentary and nomadic species that ranges from northern and central Africa and further east towards western and southern Asia. There are six recognised subspecies.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #conservationphotography, #bhigwan, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary, #Kumbhargaon, #ujnibackwaters, #indapurgrasslands, #kadbanwadi, #ChestnutbelliedSandgrouse, #Sandgrouse, #Pteroclesexustushindustan,
Grey Bush Chat
The Grey Bush Chat is a species of small songbird in the family Muscicapidae found in the Himalayas, southern China, Taiwan, Nepal and mainland Southeast Asia. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest and subtropical or tropical moist montane forest. Seen in pairs or small flocks they are bold but not very active, usually seen perching for long periods on posts and overhead wires. Song is bright and melodious, but often has a somewhat faltering quality, trailing off towards the end.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #thailand, #greybushchat, #bushchat, #chat, #chiangmai, #fang, #doisanju, #doiluang,
Jungle Cat
The Jungle Cat, also called Reed Cat and Swamp Cat is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #Canon1DxMkii, #PromediagearTR424L, #DeityD3Pro, #EF600f4LISIII, #Wildlife, #naturephotography, #wildlifephotography, #NearThreatened, #IndapurGrasslands, #Kadbanwadi, #grasslands, #Maharashtra, #Kumbhargaon, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary, #JungleCat, #ReedCat, #SwampCat, #cat, #wildcat,
White-cheeked Barbet/ Small Green Barbet
The White-cheeked Barbet (Psilopogon viridis) is a green barbet found only in southern India. Note the dark brown head & the characteristic white patch around the ear-coverts, a white line above the eye, and a white throat. Also note the brown neck and breast with white streaks. This barbet is heard more often than seen with constant calls of “kutrook-kutrook-kutrook” in mid-day hours from all kinds of wooded patches.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #birding, #wildlifephotography, #birdphotography, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #bbcearth, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, @bbcearth, @wild.planet, @wildlifeonearth, @earthpix, #best_birds_planet, @discovery, #wildbirdtrust, #natgeowild, #sunrise, #Sunset, #Panchgani, #KrishnaRiver, #DhomDam, #MountViewHeritageHotel, #maharashtrabirding, #maharashtra, #sahyadribirdwatching, #SahyadriMountains, #SahyadriHills,
Indian Wolf
The Endangered Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is a subspecies of Grey Wolf & one of their most endangered populations in the world. Travelling in smaller packs and less vocal than other variants it has a reputation for being cunning. There are approximately 400-1,100 wolves living in the Himalayan Region and 4,000-6,000 wolves in the Peninsular Region. The Peninsular Region wolves are mostly found in agropastoral areas that have less forest density.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #Canon1DxMkii, #PromediagearTR424L, #DeityD3Pro, #EF600f4LISIII, #Wildlife, #naturephotography, #wildlifephotography, #NearThreatened, #IndapurGrasslands, #Kadbanwadi, #grasslands, #Maharashtra, #SirsuphalGrasslands, #GrasslandSafari, #Baramati, #IndianWolf, #IndianGreyWolf, #GreyWolf, #extant, #Endangered, #Canisindica
Panchgani - Holy Grail Timelapse
Spectacular locations often make for some spectacular photographic opportunities. The stunning hill station of Panchgani is one such location which offers a huge array of opportunities. On this trip I spent time doing day to night timelapses - the Holy Grail. A Holy Grail timelapse is a one where you go from day to night or from night to day. It gets the “Holy Grail” epithet because of just how insanely difficult it is to make given how the ambient light changes SO DRAMATICALLY from the beginning up until the end of the shoot. Luckily for us today, camera technology has caught up and it’s made shooting and editing a holy grail timelapse almost as simple as any ordinary timelapse.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #holygrailtimelapse, #LandscapePhotography, #Longexposure, #ETTR, #Sunset, #SunsetTimelapse, #LongExposureTimelapse, #Timelapse, #timelapseplus, #holygrailphotography, #Panchgani, #KrishnaRiver, #DhomDam, #MountViewHeritageHotel, #KatesPoint, #SydneyPoint,
Spur-winged Lapwing/ Spur-winged Plover
The Spur-winged Lapwing or Spur-winged Plover (Vanellus spinosus) is a lapwing species, one of a group of largish waders in the family Charadriidae. Native to North Africa, the Middle East & Mediterranean regions; it has never been sighted in the sub-continent. It breeds around the eastern Mediterranean, and in a wide band from sub-Saharan west Africa to Arabia. The Greek and Turkish breeders are migratory, but other populations are resident. The species is declining in its northern range, but is abundant in much of tropical Africa, being seen at almost any wetland habitat in its range. The Spur-winged Lapwing is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds applies.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, @globalcapture, #spurwingedlapwing, #lapwing, #TelanganaBirds, #ammavaripetacheruvu, #ammavaripeta, #warangalbirding, #Bhattupalle, #raremigrant, #rare, #firstsighting,