Plumbeous Water Redstart
The Plumbeous Water Redstart is a passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae. Found in South Asia, Southeast Asia and China the males are slaty gray-blue with a brilliant orange tail that is often fanned, while females are grey. The bird's common name refers to its colour which resembles lead.
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Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush
The Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush is a mid-sized laughingthrush, usually seen foraging on the ground and in shrubbery of hilly forests. It is brown overall, with rusty highlights on the neck and flanks, and with prominent black markings on the white breast and face. It looks similar to the slightly larger Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush, with which it often associates in mixed flocks; Lesser differs in being duller rusty overall, having a complete (rather than partial) breast band, and having minimal streaking on the cheeks. Classic laughingthrush repertoire, with a beautiful fluty, melodic song and hooting calls.
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Blue Rock Thrush
The Blue Rock Thrush (Monticola solitarius) is a species of chat. This thrush-like Old World flycatcher breeds in southern Europe, northwest Africa, and from Central Asia to northern China and Malaysia. The blue rock thrush is the official national bird of Malta (the word for it in Maltese being Merill).
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Brown-winged Kingfisher
The Brown-winged Kingfisher is a chunky, large, orangish tree kingfisher with an oversized head and a scarlet dagger of a bill. No other large kingfisher in its range has dark brown wings. It has a bright blue-green rump patch clearly visible during flight. It is restricted to coastal habitats such as mangroves and estuaries and gives loud, fluid-sounding whistles as well as harsh grating rattles.
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Isabelline Shrike/ Daurian Shrike
The Isabelline Shrike (Lanius isabellinus) is a member of the shrike family (Laniidae) found in an extensive area between the Caspian Sea and north and central China southeast to the Qaidam Basin. It is a common winter visitor to different parts of the Indian Subcontinent which is when I spotted a rare visitor to the Narsapur Forests.
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Rufous Treepie
A long- and stiff-tailed bird of the crow family - Corvidae - with primarily rusty-brown upperparts and dull orangish underparts. The head, mantle, and neck region are a dull, sooty black. The long graduated tail is pale gray with a wide black terminal band. Note the conspicuous silvery-gray, white, and black patterns on the wings. This treepie is found in a wide range of habitats from woodlands to scrubby patches, singly or in pairs feeding in the treetops.
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Grey-throated Babbler
Another one from the Old World babbler family Timaliidae. The grey-throated babbler is a species of passerine bird found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam.
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Orange-bellied Leafbird
The orange-bellied leafbird is a bird native to the central and eastern Himalayas, Yunnan and northern parts of Southeast Asia. The greyish-crowned leafbird, which is found in Hainan, is again considered conspecific. The scientific name commemorates the English naturalist Thomas Hardwicke.
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