Behind the lens

a blog every Friday on a specific species of animal or bird and stories of photos

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Plumbeous Water Redstart

The Plumbeous Water Redstart is a passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae. Found in South Asia, Southeast Asia and China the males are slaty gray-blue with a brilliant orange tail that is often fanned, while females are grey. The bird's common name refers to its colour which resembles lead.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #DoiInthanon, #ChiangMai, #thailand, #plumbeouswaterredstart, #waterredstart, #redstart

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Indian Eagle Owl/ Bengal Eagle Owl

The Indian or Bengal eagle-owl (Bubo bengalensis), also widely known as the Rock eagle-owl, is a large horned owl species native to hilly and rocky scrub forests in the Indian Subcontinent. It is splashed with brown and grey, and has a white throat patch with black small stripes. It is usually seen in pairs and has a deep resonant booming call that may be heard at dawn and dusk.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Canon1DxMkii, #PromediagearTR424L, #DeityD3Pro, #EF600f4LISIII, #Wildlife, #naturephotography, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #Telangana, #YenkathalaGrasslands, #Enkathala, #EnkathalaGrasslands, #Mominpet, #wildtelangana, @wildtelangana, @save_yenkathala, #ramnathgudpalle, #indianeagleowl, #bengaleagleowl, #rockeagleowl, #eagleowl, #owl, #raptor

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush

The Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush is a mid-sized laughingthrush, usually seen foraging on the ground and in shrubbery of hilly forests. It is brown overall, with rusty highlights on the neck and flanks, and with prominent black markings on the white breast and face. It looks similar to the slightly larger Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush, with which it often associates in mixed flocks; Lesser differs in being duller rusty overall, having a complete (rather than partial) breast band, and having minimal streaking on the cheeks. Classic laughingthrush repertoire, with a beautiful fluty, melodic song and hooting calls.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #lessernecklacedlaughingthrush, #laughingthrush, #KaengKrachanNationalPark, #Thailand

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Blue Rock Thrush

The Blue Rock Thrush (Monticola solitarius) is a species of chat. This thrush-like Old World flycatcher breeds in southern Europe, northwest Africa, and from Central Asia to northern China and Malaysia. The blue rock thrush is the official national bird of Malta (the word for it in Maltese being Merill).

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, @globalcapture, #india, #umamaheshwaramtemple, #achampet, #rockthrush, #bluerockthrush, #chat, #telanganabirds, #oldworldflycatcher, #nallamallaforest, #ananthagiri, #thrush

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Brown-winged Kingfisher

The Brown-winged Kingfisher is a chunky, large, orangish tree kingfisher with an oversized head and a scarlet dagger of a bill. No other large kingfisher in its range has dark brown wings. It has a bright blue-green rump patch clearly visible during flight. It is restricted to coastal habitats such as mangroves and estuaries and gives loud, fluid-sounding whistles as well as harsh grating rattles.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #langkawi, #Malaysia, #brownwingedkingfisher, #kingfisher,

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee


Scion of Wagdoh, Shambhu is one of four gladiators waiting in the wings in the Junona - Adegaon - Dewada - Agarzari range; Chota Dhadiyal, Taru & Paras the other three. The stage is set for some significant battles as each of these approach their age of dominance. The first skirmish was with Taru on 4th December with Shambhu emerging the winner.

#wildartworks, #wildlifephotography, #canon, #tiger, #wildlife, #conservationphotography, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #maharashtra, #Tadoba, #Dewada, #Adegaaon, #DewadaGate, #pantheratigris, #bengaltiger, #royalbengaltiger, #bigcats, #tadobatiger, #gladiatoroftaru, #wagdoh, #waghdoh, #wagdohcub, #Shambhu, #shambhumaletiger, #shambhutiger,

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee


The first gladiator we encountered in this enchanted realm of Gondwana was Taru (T-185) himself - a magnificent male tiger about 6/7 years old and ready to make his move into the light of fame and glory.  

#wildartworks, #wildlifephotography, #canon, #tiger, #wildlife, #conservationphotography, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #maharashtra, #Tadoba, #Dewada, #Adegaaon, #DewadaGate, #pantheratigris, #bengaltiger, #royalbengaltiger, #bigcats, #taru, #tarumale, #tadobatiger, #Shivanjhari, #Kolsa, #Shindewahi, #Navegaon, #KhatodaGate, #tarumaletiger,

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

W-mark Female

The W-mark female of the Adegaon - Dewada range traces her lineage back to some illustrious tigers through the generations. She was born to Bajrang and Lara of Telia Sisters fame. We saw her daintily stepping out from the brush directly in front of us about a kilometre north of the ancient step well of Adegaon almost halfway to the Adegaon-Dewada-Agarzari Gate.

#wildartworks, #wildlifephotography, #canon, #tiger, #wildlife, #conservationphotography, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #maharashtra, #Tadoba, #Dewada, #Adegaaon, #DewadaGate, #pantheratigris, #bengaltiger, #royalbengaltiger, #bigcats, #Wmark, #wmarkfemale, #tadobatiger, #tigress, #Bajrang, #Lara

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