Crested Serpent Eagle
The crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela melanotis) is a medium-sized bird of prey that is found in forested habitats across tropical Asia. It is a rather large, heavily built eagle with a dark, white-tipped bushy crest that gives it a distinctive large-headed look. When raised in alarm, the crest frames the whole face, highlighting the bare yellow lores and eyes, making the head look larger and fiercer. Commonly seen perched upright in well-wooded areas, with wingtips nearly covering the broad white sub-terminal band on the tail. Its 1-3 note scream is often heard in the forest.
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Marsh Tit
The marsh tit (Poecile palustris) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae and genus Poecile, closely related to the willow, Père David's and Songar tits. It is a plain tit with a grayish-brown body and contrasting black-and-white head pattern. Very similar to the Willow Tit and rather difficult to separate, but note the general lack of a prominent wing panel, smaller-headed appearance, and smaller, neater bib. These criteria, however, are generally more reliable in western European range than in Asian range. They inhabit deciduous woodland, older orchards, and gardens; sometimes visits bird feeders. Voice is diagnostic in western Europe, but much less so in Asia; song is a repetitive series of “chew” notes (essentially a slow trill) and calls include a bright “pitchu, pitchu” and “tsiptsip.”
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Slaty-backed Forktail
The slaty-backed forktail (Enicurus schistaceus) is a species of forktail in the family Muscicapidae. A slim, medium-sized forktail, it is distinguished from similar species by its slate grey forehead, crown, and mantle. The only forktail in its range for which the adult has a gray back and crown; pattern is otherwise similar to that of Black-backed Forktail, which it overlaps partially in range. White on the head is restricted to a thick eyebrow that reaches behind the eye--instead of a full crown--giving it a more small-headed appearance than White-crowned and Spotted forktails. Like other forktails, prefers fast-flowing forested streams.
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Archi & her cubs at Tipeshwar
More often than not, spotting a tiger, leave alone a tiger with cubs, is an exciting game of hide-and-seek with small clues sprinkled randomly all over the jungle – a strangely silent and deserted waterhole on a warm evening, a skittish sambar stomping his hoof for no obvious reason, a pug-mark across a recent jeep track, a nervous langur peering at a lantana bush – all pushing the adrenaline as you await a climactic encounter with the apex predator of the jungle. It does not matter where and how it happens, the moment is always mesmeric. Something beautiful and primal stirs within our dulled urban souls and it is virtually impossible to be unmoved by the up, close and very personal experience of meeting almost 220 kilos of majesty and raw muscle.
#wildartworks, #wildlifephotography, #canon, #tiger, #wildlife, #conservationphotography, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia,, @globalcapture, #maharashtra, #trackingwildlife, #tipeshwar, #Mathani, #MathaniGate, #pantheratigris, #scentmarking, #bengaltiger, #royalbengaltiger, #bigcats, #archi, #architigress, #tipeshwartigers, #archicubs, #tipeshwartigercubs, #tigercubs, #7montholdtigercubs
Archi - the Dhole chase at Tipeshwar
If you spend enough time in the forest, eventually, you will see an apex predator exhibit its fearsome skills and there is no better place than in central India with its numerous tiger sanctuaries of varying climes and terrain. This was one such thrilling event that unfolded at Tipeshwar, unexpectedly, before our eyes - the chase of some Dhole by the tigress Archi - to ensure the safety of her cubs.
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Meadow queen of Maregaon
This is about my experience with the Meadow queen of Maregaon in Tipeshwar, also called the “4” Mark tigress because she has a huge “4“ beside her right eye. She is the daughter of the Budha Male and the Pilkhan female born in their litter of 3 in November 2013. Read on.
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Small Minivet
The smallest of the minivets, the male has a slaty gray crown, cheeks, and back with black throat & wings, a black tail with pale yellow edges. The breast is orange, gradually fading into yellowish-white underparts. They are usually seen in small flocks, frequently uttering high-pitched calls as they continuously move around feeding on insects, sometimes catching them mid-air like flycatchers. They inhabit various forested habitats, especially thorny jungles, scrub patches, and open dry forest.
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Greater Flameback Woodpecker
The Greater Flameback Woodpecker is a common, four-toed, large-billed, golden-backed woodpecker found in wet tropical & subtropical forests across South & Southeast Asia. Separated from the group of “small-billed” flamebacks by a much larger bill, a mottled black-and-white nape instead of a black nape, and a divided black horizontal stripe below the cheek. Separated from the similarly large-billed White-naped Woodpecker by a red rump, the lack of a clean white nape, and a preference for wetter habitat. The Greater Flameback is a loose participant in mixed-species foraging flocks, often detected by its loud, high-pitched trill similar to that of Common Flameback.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia,, #animalsofinstagram, @globalcapture, #greaterflameback, #woodpecker, #greaterflamebackwoodpecker, #KaengKrachanNationalPark, #Thailand