Yellow-crowned Woodpecker/ Mahratta Woodpecker
This is a medium-sized woodpecker with a densely-spotted black-and-white back & blotchy brown-and-white underparts. The female has an all-golden crown while the male has a red fore crown. It favours dry arid areas with relatively open foliage.
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Crimson-winged Woodpecker
This is a greenish medium-sized woodpecker with bright red wings, crown & a striking yellow crest, cream-speckled sides, and pale blue-gray “spectacles”. It inhabits both primary & secondary forests, from lowlands into lower montane areas, as well as plantations & logged tracts favouring areas with scattered and isolated tall trees. It forages on trunks and large branches in the upper story, often in distanced pairs or mixed flocks.
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Brown-breasted Flycatcher
A dull but rather cute flycatcher, with large white-framed eyes. It is dark brown above & white below with a gray head, brown flanks, and two distinct dark “moustache” lines. It exhibits typical flycatcher behaviour, swooping out from a perch in the middle to lower levels of forest.
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Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
One of my first flowerpeckers - the male is brightly-coloured & the female is predominantly brown. This is a lowland species, often found in gardens with flowering and fruiting plants, particularly mistletoe. Often detected through its metallic ticking calls.
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Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher
A tiny and unbelievably cute kingfisher: a luminous ball of pink, orange, yellow, and varying amounts of blue and purple. A brightly-coloured back distinguishes this species from the closely related Black-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher. It forages in shaded patches of dense vegetation, in mangroves, overgrown edge, or deep lowland and foothill forest. It is often near shallow forest streams and small pools.
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Spot-bellied Eagle Owl
The Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl (Ketupa nipalensis) also known as the forest eagle-owl is an immense and imposing owl of dense wet lowland and hill forests of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The silver-gray adult is majestic, with a large yellow bill, black eyes, and sweeping sidewards-facing “horns.” The juvenile is much paler, almost white, with shorter tufts. It gives deep echoing hoots. It is primarily nocturnal, but will on occasion hunt by day; takes prey as large as small deer.
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Blue-eared Kingfisher
The Blue-eared Kingfisher is a diminutive dark blue kingfisher with no rufous on the ear-patch. It has an orange spot in front of the eye, white ear tufts on the sides of the neck, and an ultramarine-blue head and neck with darker blue bands giving it a scaly appearance. The upper parts are a glossy dark blue with paler blue central band down the back to the rump. A white chin and throat with deep orange underparts. The males have black bill with brownish-red base, while the females have almost entirely red bill. The juveniles also have dark blue upper parts, but rufous cheeks and ear-coverts similar to the Common Kingfisher. They inhabit well-shaded waterways in forested areas.
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Puff-throated Babbler
The Puff-throated Babbler is a medium-sized babbler, often encountered foraging in noisy, lively flocks on or around the forest floor. It occurs from lowlands up into hilly and mountainous forests often spotted flipping leaves on the ground in foraging flocks.
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