Behind the lens

a blog every Friday on a specific species of animal or bird and stories of photos

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Ashy-crowned Sparrow-lark

The ashy-crowned sparrow-lark is a small sparrow-sized member of the lark family found on the plains in open land with bare ground, grass and scrub across South Asia. A small, stocky bird with a heavy, finch-like bill. The males have a gray head that contrasts with a black eye-stripe & black on the collar, throat, and underparts. The females are pale brown with weak streaks on the head, back, and underparts. Similar to the Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark, but the Ashy-crowned males are told apart by the gray on the head.

#wildartworks #canon #Wildlife #wildlifephotography #telanganabirds #natgeoindia #conservationphotography #indian_wildlifes #indianwildlifeofficial #wildlifeonearth #planet_untamed_magazine #bbcearth #natgeowild #birdsofthedeccan #hyderabadbirds #ameenpur, #biodiversityheritagesite, #HyderabadBiodiversity, #heritagesite, #ashycrownedsparrowlark, #ashycrownedfinchlark, #lark, #grasslandbirds,

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Eurasian Hoopoe

An unmistakable cinnamon coloured bird with a zebra-striped wings, a Chinese fan of a crest (usually held closed, but often raised just after landing), and a rapier of a bill. The hoopoe favours semi-open habitats such as heathland, farmland, orchards, grassy lawns, where it feeds on the ground, probing with its long bill for insects.

#wildartworks, #wildlifephotography, #kabini, #jungle, #Wild, #nagarholetigerreserve, #nilgiribiosphere, #nagarhole, #kabinibackwaters, #conservationphotography, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #nammakarnataka, #tipeshwar, #Tadoba, #tadobaandharitigerreserve, #yawatmal, #penchnationalpark, #pench, #telanganabirds, #Manjeera, #AmeenpurLake, #ananthagiriforest, #NarsapurForest, #bhigwanbirdsanctuary

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Jungle Cat

The Jungle Cat, also called Reed Cat and Swamp Cat is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Canon1DxMkii, #PromediagearTR424L, #DeityD3Pro, #EF600f4LISIII, #Wildlife, #naturephotography, #wildlifephotography, #NearThreatened, #IndapurGrasslands, #Kadbanwadi, #grasslands, #Maharashtra, #Kumbhargaon, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary, #JungleCat, #ReedCat, #SwampCat, #cat, #wildcat,

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Indian Wolf

The Endangered Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is a subspecies of Grey Wolf & one of their most endangered populations in the world. Travelling in smaller packs and less vocal than other variants it has a reputation for being cunning. There are approximately 400-1,100 wolves living in the Himalayan Region and 4,000-6,000 wolves in the Peninsular Region. The Peninsular Region wolves are mostly found in agropastoral areas that have less forest density.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Canon1DxMkii, #PromediagearTR424L, #DeityD3Pro, #EF600f4LISIII, #Wildlife, #naturephotography, #wildlifephotography, #NearThreatened, #IndapurGrasslands, #Kadbanwadi, #grasslands, #Maharashtra, #SirsuphalGrasslands, #GrasslandSafari, #Baramati, #IndianWolf, #IndianGreyWolf, #GreyWolf, #extant, #Endangered, #Canisindica

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Striped Hyena

The Near Threatened Striped Hyena is the only hyena species found in India. Hyenas in India inhabit a diversity of habitats, from dry open scrub to deciduous forests and agriculture fields. Although they can hunt down prey, hyenas are generally scavengers, feeding on domestic and wild carrion. Their global population is estimated to be under 10,000 mature individuals and steadily reducing because of deliberate and incidental persecution along with a decrease in its prey base.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Canon1DxMkii, #PromediagearTR424L, #DeityD3Pro, #EF600f4LISIII, #Wildlife, #naturephotography, #wildlifephotography, #NearThreatened, #IndapurGrasslands, #Kadbanwadi, #grasslands, #Maharashtra, #SirsuphalGrasslands, #GrasslandSafari, #Baramati, #StripedHyena, #Hyena, #HyenaHyena, #extant,

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