Black Kite/ Small Indian Kite/ Pariah Kite
The Black/ Small Indian/ Pariah Kite is a medium-sized, rather nondescript raptor with overall dark plumage. Varies considerably across range, but always note tail fork (can disappear when tail is fully open), and short head and neck. Their flight style is buoyant, gliding & changing direction with ease. Frequently forages in urban areas, rubbish dumps, aquatic habitats, and grassland, but usually avoids heavily forested areas. Sometimes solitary, but also gathers in large flocks on migration and at good feeding areas.
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The Osprey is a large, mostly white raptor that cruises over lakes, rivers, and coastal waterways in search of fish. The are impressively widespread: found on every continent except Antarctica. They are mostly white headed with white underparts and a dark brown back. In flight, they hold their wings with a kink in the wrist (shaped like an "M"). Stick nests are conspicuous on top of channel markers, utility poles and high platforms near water. Often seen plunging feet-first into water from high in the air to grab fish.
This sequence was documented at the Bhigwan Bird Sanctuary.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #conservationphotography, #bhigwan, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary, #Kumbhargaon, #osprey, #seahawk, #fishhawk, #riverhawk, #raptor