Black-and-Red Broadbill
The Eurylaimidae are a family of passerine birds that occur from the eastern Himalayas to Indonesia and the Philippines. These strikingly patterned broadbills of Asia are forest canopy birds, often revealed only by their throaty staccato calls. The Black-and-Red Broadbill is a typical broadbill of the family Eurylaimidae. It is the only species in the genus Cymbirhynchus. A large, distinctive bird, it has maroon underparts, black upperparts, a maroon neck-band, and white bars on the wings.
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Common Kingfisher
#Kingfishers are a family of small to medium-sized, brightly coloured birds in the order #Coraciiformes. They have a cosmopolitan distribution, with most species found in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania. The family contains 114 species and is divided into three subfamilies and 19 genera. I have been able to photograph a few of these across Asia Pacific with some coming quite easily and some coming after waiting for hours, damp and cold but worth every bit the wait. Featured here is the beautiful Common Kingfisher.
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Pallas’s Gull
Pallas's gull, also known as the Great Black-headed Gull, is a large powerful gull of saline, brackish, and fresh water bodies. Breeding adult has a black head with a thin incomplete crescent around the eye and a red-and-black-tipped bill. Non-breeding adults retain a partial “hood” of patchy black on the back of the head.
The eye crescents and a flashing white rump help to distinguish first-winter birds from Herring-type gulls. Can be readily separated by size in any plumage from the smaller dark-headed gulls.
As is the case with many gulls, it has traditionally been placed in the genus Larus. The scientific name is from Ancient Greek. Ichthyaetus is from ikhthus, "fish", and aetos, "eagle".
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Rufous-tailed Lark
The Rufous-tailed Lark/ Rufous-tailed Finch-lark, is a ground bird found in the drier open stony habitats of India and parts of Pakistan. Like other species in the genus it has a large finch-like bill with a slightly curved edge to the upper mandible.
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Common Snipe
A squat, cryptically-plumaged shorebird with a very long bill. It inhabits a wide range of wetland habitats, from damp meadows to salt marshes. Mostly inconspicuous, it feeds in muddy ground by probing with its bill, usually near reeds or other grassy cover. Often not seen until flushed, when it usually rises from fairly close range with a rough rasping call. In Asia, beware of the extremely similar Pin-tailed, Swinhoe's, and Latham's Snipes, all of which lack the white trailing edge of Common and have a slower, less erratic flight.
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Hanuman Langur/ Gray Langur
The Hanuman/ Northern Plains Gray Langur (Semnopithecus entellus), also known as the sacred langur, Bengal sacred langur, a species of primate in the family Cercopithecidae. Found across a large part of India south of the Himalayas down to the Tapti & Krishna Rivers.
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Black-browed Barbet
The Black-browed is an Asian barbet native to Peninsular Malaysia & Sumatra, where it inhabits foremost forests between 600 and 2,000 m altitude. A loud but sluggish & difficult-to-see canopy inhabitant of highland forests in peninsular Malaysia & Sumatra. Note the leaf-green body, brightly coloured face, & heavy black bill. More often heard than seen; listen for its long, unending series of hollow-sounding notes. Like many other barbets, it can be difficult to locate when singing, but can sometimes be seen at fruiting trees. Formerly regarded as the same species as Taiwan, Indochinese, and Chinese Barbets.
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Black-and-Yellow Broadbill
The Eurylaimidae are a family of passerine birds that occur from the eastern Himalayas to Indonesia and the Philippines. These strikingly patterned broadbills of Asia are forest canopy birds, often revealed only by their throaty staccato calls. The Near Threatened Black-and-Yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus) is utterly unmistakable in its costume of black, white, yellow & pink. It has a wide, deep-based bill, typical of the broadbills, in bright blue. Forages at middle to high levels in lowland and hill forests, frequently moving with mixed-species flocks and sallying out from a perch. Song is disproportionately loud, a series of high-pitched coos that increases in pitch and speed, turning into a maddened series of loud whistles.
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