Short-tailed Babbler/ Mourning Babbler
The Mourning Babbler, previously the Short-tailed Babbler, is a species of bird in the ground babbler family Pellorneidae. A long-legged babbler with an almost nonexistent stump for a tail, found in primary and secondary evergreen lowland and foothill forest.
It is found in the Malay Peninsula, Anambas Islands, Sumatra, Banyak Islands, Batu Islands, Riau Islands, Lingga Islands and the Natuna Islands.
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Yellow-eyed Babbler
A passerine bird native to South & SE Asia inhabiting shrubland, grassland and wetland habitats. An odd-looking babbler which looks and behaves like a prinia on steroids. Brown above and white below with rufous wingtips with a unique red eyering. Scrambles about in reed beds, scrub, field edges, and grassy meadows in small flocks and pairs. Scales stems like a parrotbill and hangs acrobatically like a tit or leaf warbler. Strident, melodic song has a somewhat hoarse, nasal quality. Calls include repeated descending whistles, energetic chattering, and dry chittering.
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Coal Tit
The coal tit, is a small, active passerine bird in the tit family, Paridae. A widespread and common resident breeder in forests throughout the temperate to subtropical Palearctic, including North Africa. They have a dazzling geographic variation and inhabit coniferous and mixed woodland, forest, parks, and gardens. They visit bird feeders and are associated with foothills and montane areas throughout much of its eastern range. They often join mixed-species flocks in autumn and winter, moving quickly through the foliage and giving high-pitched calls.
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Brahminy Starling
The Brahminy Starling or Brahminy Myna is a small fawn-colored starling with a long wispy crest that usually lies limp over the back of its head, but the feathers on its cheek and upper breast stand up and away from its cheek. Note the yellow bill with a blue base. Often seen in small family groups, feeding on fruits and nectar as well as insects on the ground or in the trees. They have a wide repertoire of calls and are also given to mimicking other species.
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Scaly-breasted Munia/ Spotted Munia
An attractive small songbird of grasslands, gardens, fields & agricultural areas. It is native to India and SE Asia, with introduced populations scattered elsewhere around the world. Typical adults are a dark chestnut-brown above, white below, with a fine dark scaly pattern on the belly. Typically found in small flocks, sometimes mixed with other species of munia.
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Common Woodshrike
The common woodshrike is a species of bird found in Asia. It is now usually considered a member of the family Vangidae. A medium-sized woodshrike with grayish-brown upperparts, black facial mask, a white rump & a gray tail with white outer tail feathers. It is usually found in dry forested areas and shrublands.
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Indian Skimmer
The Endangered Indian Skimmer or Indian Scissors-bill (Rynchops albicollis) is one of the three species that belong to the skimmer genus Rynchops in the family Laridae. An unmistakable bird - black above and white below with a bright orange bill (the lower mandible is longer than the upper). It favors slow-moving rivers with sandbars, on which it forms noisy colonies, often in association with terns.
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Long-tailed Sibia
Truly long-tailed, even for a sibia, this bird appears rather dainty and small-headed in comparison with most of its relatives. Gray overall, darker on the wings and tail, it mostly lacks the contrasting patterns of other sibias, with only a small white patch near the wingtip. It forages in flocks in open hill forests, edges, and adjacent scrubby second growth. Despite its striking appearance, it is often heard before it’s seen.
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