Behind the lens

a blog every Friday on a specific species of animal or bird and stories of photos

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

A tigress and her cubs

The arrival of a tiger, it’s true, is often preceded by moments of rising tension, because a tiger’s presence changes the jungle around it, and those changes are easier to detect. Bird calls darken. small deer call softly to each other. Herds do not run but drift into shapes that suggest some emerging group consciousness of an escape route. A kind of shiver seems to run through everything, a low hum that sounds — literally, in the murmured Hindi conversation of the guides — like tiger, tiger, tiger. This zone of apprehension follows the tiger as it moves. Often, the best way to find a tiger is to switch off your engine and listen. You might then hear, from a distance, the subtle changes in pitch and cadence that indicate a boundary of the zone. But even then, it is impossible to predict where, or if, the tiger will appear.

#WildArt.Works, #Wildlife, #Photography, #Tiger

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Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Wildlife Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

The Collared Tigress

Choti Tara (also called Gauri) is a beautiful and big tigress in her prime, at around 7 years of age then. She was born to her mother Tara in a litter of four. Choti Tara has a confident air about her and a very calm demeanor, yet when you see her you can sense you are in the presence of a mighty tigress. She is tough, and has been in fairly brutal fights with other tigresses, notably with the Ambat Heera female. Choti Tara has a big territory now and covers the area from close to Kolara gate & Jamni village, towards Kosaikanar, Jamunbodi, Chital Road, and until the Tadoba Guest House, Tar Road. She has a radio collar around her neck which gives her the name “Collarwali“ or the Collared Tigress.

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