le lac des cygnes


le lac des cygnes

The Swan Lake - Lake Kussharo


Like much of Japan, Hokkaido is seismically active. Consequently, hot springs and volcanic vents can be found all across the island. Lake Kussharo, an inland lake in the western region of Hokkaido, is a caldera lake, a remnant of a long-ago erupted volcano. Its violent, seismic past is evident even today, with natural hot springs bubbling up along its shoreline, heating both the water and sandy shores. It is here where the Whooper Swans gather to find refuge from Hokkaido’s brutally cold winters.

In small flocks, they gather along narrow stretches of the lake’s warm water, which is heated by the gurgling hot springs that lay between the shore and the ice sheet that covers the remainder of the lake. Whooper Swans are enormous birds, with wingspans up to 9 feet and weighing upwards of 25 pounds. They are so big, in fact, that their legs cannot support them for long periods of time, so they need open water not only to feed but to rest.


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Siddhartha Mukherjee

Spending time out in nature and taking pictures of the wildlife, landscapes, people and times rejuvenates me and keeps me sane. My website with its galleries & blogs is an effort to curate and document some of my photos, videos and to tell the stories behind some of them.

I collaborate & work with various NGO’s like The Rainwater Project & HYTICOS (Hyderabad Tiger Conservation Society) on various projects directed towards restoration and conservation of the forests and wildlife of India.

I also speak at events like the TEDx Hyderabad event & my talks usually revolve around photography, my journey as a photographer and anecdotes from the field which have taught me valuable life lessons.


Vihara Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

